IPython notebook
IPython is an interactive Python environment. Coupled with the "notebook" module, it provides a rich web interface.
Where is it
IPython notebook is available on the cluster in 2 environments : the custom build and CVMFS.
To load from the custom build :
source /software/sources/latestEnvironment
To load from CVMFS : See IceCube Software Cluster#CVMFS
Launch a notebook
When launching the notebook, the system will create a dedicated server listening to localhost (default) running on a specific port.
Access from the outside
To launch your notebook and access it from the outside (your browser) :
ipython notebook --ip=UI_URL --port=PORT_NUMBER --pylab inline
Where UI_URL is the ui url where you launched the command (eg. ui01.iihe.ac.be) and PORT_NUMBER is a custom defined port that you have to choose (between 1025 and 65635) Then, open the url http://UI_URL:PORT_NUMBER from your web browser.
WARNING : Using this method will expose your notebook to the outside (internet), that means if someone open your notebook, he can do whatever he wants on it. The safest way is to use a SSH tunnel.
Access via SSH tunnel
This way is more secure but a bit more complex
Launch the notebook only on localhost
ipython notebook --port=PORT_NUMBER --pylab inline
Create a tunnel from your machine
ssh -L PORT_NUMBER:uixx.iihe.ac.be:PORT_NUMBER
Open the tunnelled notebook in your browser by opening the url : http://localhost:PORT_NUMBER