IPython notebook
IPython is an interactive Python environment. Coupled with the "notebook" module, it provides a rich web interface.
Set the environment
IPython notebook is available on the cluster in 2 environments : the custom build and CVMFS.
- To load from the custom build [deprecated] :
source /software/sources/latestEnvironment.source
- To load from CVMFS :
See IceCube Software Cluster#CVMFS
Launch a notebook
first, connect to the cluster. Set the correct environment and launch a notebook to which you will later connect to from your laptop:
ipython notebook --no-browser --pylab inline
When launching the notebook, the system will create a dedicated server for you. It will be running on a specific port chosen by the notebook itself.
The launcher reports this port in the following way:
The IPython Notebook is running at:
The port number you need it the number coming after the colon (:).
Now, open a new terminal on your laptop and create a tunnel to the machine where you instantiated the notebook. Fill in the correct port number in the following command:
ssh -L PORT_NUMBER:localhost:PORT_NUMBER uixx.iihe.ac.be
The tunnelled notebook is available in your browser by opening the url : http://localhost:PORT_NUMBER