Eduroam cinnamon

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About Eduroam & Cinnamon Desktop

Network-manager package included in Linux Mint Cinnamon & Cinnamon Desktop lacks some information when creating automatically a profile for the Eduroam Wi-Fi network.
Due to this issue the best way to use Eduroam with Cinnamon is to create manually a Wi-Fi profile wich is explained here.

Connect to Eduroam with Cinnamon Desktop

  • Search for "Network Connections" utility :
Launch Network Connection utility
  • Click on "Add a new connection"
Add a new connection
  • Define profile name & SSID as "eduroam":
Define profile name & SSID
  • On Wi-Fi security tab change to the following (yourid @ your institution ) :
Setup security options like in this capture
For example my name is Denis Dutrannois so my login is "".
  • Save the profile & enjoy connection to the Eduroam Wi-Fi under Linux Mint.